Financial and Retirement Planning

We work with our clients to build a specific plan to ensure they’re prepared for the unknown and never outlive their money. 

Financial and Retirement Planning

We work with our clients to build a specific plan to ensure they’re prepared for the unknown and never outlive their money.

Financial and Retirement Plans Built Specifically For You

We work with you to create a goal-based financial plan. A key focus of this plan is on retirement planning, with a customized, tax-sensitive, total-return drawdown strategy aligned with clients’ financial goals. Some of the issues that advisors discuss include maintaining clients’ lifestyle in retirement, incorporating Social Security benefits and planning for future medical costs, college tuition for family members and bequests.

Your Financial Picture is multi-faceted

Financial and Retirement Plans Built Specifically For You

We work with you to create a goal-based financial plan. A key focus of this plan is on retirement planning, with a customized, tax-sensitive, total-return drawdown strategy aligned with clients’ financial goals. Some of the issues that advisors discuss include maintaining clients’ lifestyle in retirement, incorporating Social Security benefits and planning for future medical costs, college tuition for family members and bequests.

Your Financial Picture is multi-faceted

Harmonizing Your Life and Financial Plan

Focus on What Matters

Although your portfolio is undoubtedly a key piece of your overall financial plan, it doesn’t exist in isolation. Your money powers a broader set of objectives that ultimately helps you live the life you aspire to—both today and in the future. Through a truly comprehensive and integrated approach, EvidenceDriven Investing takes a proactive look at your whole life picture, exploring your impact, money and life goals, including financial considerations, resources and existing strategies.

Life isn’t linear. Your plan shouldn’t be either.

Partnering with an advisor means having someone to guide you through both opportunities and challenges. You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and that should be celebrated. Now, as you look to the future, you can feel more confident that an evidence-driven approach will help you navigate life’s inevitable transitions. This approach is called Design | Build | Protect.

A process of personal discovery helps to uncover what’s important to you, so that a plan can be designed and customized to balance your wants and needs. This plan serves as an ever-changing compass that will help navigate the journey ahead.

With academic research and financial science as the foundation, build your plan with distinct objectives and attainable action items. Not a rigid, solitary plan; but a fluid, ever-evolving process to help you stay on track and meet your goals.

Life happens. Inevitably there will be a number of factors, both personal and global, that impact your plan. Protecting your plan means providing insights and education to help you focus on those areas that an be controlled.

Our Financial Planning Process

Phase 1

Gather Data and Establish Objectives

Phase 2

Develop the Plan

Phase 3


Phase 4

Review and Monitor

Ready To Build A Custom Financial Or Retirement Plan?

For more information about NYLIFE Securities LLC and its investment professionals, click here.

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